Friday, July 31, 2020

EMvTW 170 - Tsunkatse Arena Ship

NOTE:  You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.

Rewrites: NONE YET

With only TEN more Standard Edition models left in the Eaglemoss collection after this, we continue to see more and more one off ships.  Our next review is that of the Tsunkatse Arena Ship.

We first get to see this starship in the Star Trek: Voyager episode called "Tsunkatse".

Per Memory Alpha and Beta, "[The Tsunkatse Arena Ship] was a starship operated by an individual named Penk in the Delta Quadrant during the late 24th century. The starship was used as a main base of Tsunkatse matches, which took place on the ship but were transmitted live to millions of viewers over the sector. This vessel weighed about five million metric tons, and had reinforced hull plating protected by tetryon-based covariant shielding to prevent sensor penetration, with multiphasic force fields preventing the use of transporters. The ship was heavily armed with neutronic weaponry and a tetryon-based dampening field used to disable the engines, weapons, transporters and shields of ships in close proximity."

If you would like to read more official stuff on this type of ship, feel free to check out the following links:

Tsunkatse Arena Ship Information: Memory Alpha LINK and NO Memory Beta LINK

This ship is actually a hefty little model.


For this review, we will start by discussing the sculpt and mold work, and this model certainly has a lot of that going on.  The ship is basically a large arena with a command module and engineering model stuck on it to help it get around.  The command module has been rendered well as far as the mold work goes.  You can clearly make out all the tactile details for it.

The area section is a work of art in itself.  Eaglemoss did a fine job in molding in all those support beams and high flying ceiling.

Like the command module, the engineering module was given the same attention to molded details.

When it comes to paint work, I was less impressed with this model.  The entire model was painted in a blue/green hue and then washed over with silver as well as grey paint to help give it some "texture" and weathering.

Other areas of the ship were painted in a mustard yellow to help them stand out.  The issue with this is that your attention is immediately drawn to those areas and you can clearly see how the paint is either incomplete and not covering the entire area that it is supposed to highlight, or the paint is severely misaligned with its corresponding molded details.  It's not horrible, but it's not real nice looking either.  I suppose you could look at this "mistake" as helping give the ship a more worn look?

For as much paint as was slathered across this model, I would think that Eaglemoss could have at least applied some paint to the engine exhausts so that they didn't just blend in.

The Transmission Antennas give me some mixed emotions.  While I like that they were molded to show off the wire-like appearance, I think they should have been painted anything but that blue/green color.  Even in the pictures of the magazine, they have more of a metallic look to them.  Some of that silver weathering paint should have been spared and applied to these things.

In the end, they sort of stand out like sore thumbs, or like the trumpets from the Angels of Revelations.  Yeah... try to get that vision out of your head whenever you look at these things in the future.

Last but not least, there are no clear plastics parts on this model.  I guess that I am OK with that as I don't really see where any could have been used.

And that is all the pictures and comparisons I have to share on this ship at this time.  As for pricing, I will continue with the tradition of looking up pricing on eBay and finding the most inexpensive Buy-It-Now prices at the time of this article's writing.  Prices were researched last on July 28th, 2020, and as of the writing of this article, I was able to find the model from a seller for around $25 (shipping included).  You also can currently order the model right from Eaglemoss' US WebStore for around the same price, however, you would also need to pay for shipping.

Because the pricing of the model is where it normally should be, I really can't say that I hate this model nor would I tell you to not buy it.  While it does have some minor issues as far as the paintwork is concerned, it is yet another one-off alien ship to grace your collection.  The sculpt and mold work are really well done therefore, in my opinion, making it worth the cost.  If it catches your eye, then I'd say go ahead any buy it.  You most likely will not be disappointed.

As always, I hope you found this article useful and informative.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to comment below.

So for now, "Live long and prosper!!!"

Additional Links To Photos Of My Collection:

Other Reviewers Take On The Eaglemoss Model:
Some Kind Of Star Trek

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