Saturday, July 25, 2020

EMvTW 168 - Suliban Freighter

NOTE:  You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.

Rewrites: NONE YET

The Suliban were an interesting race to encounter in the Star Trek Universe.  During our many encounters with them, we also got treated to several different types of ships as well.  The Suliban Freighter was one such vessel.

We first get to see this starship in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode called "Future Tense".

Per Memory Alpha and Beta, "The Suliban freighter was a type of starship operated by the Cabal during the 22nd century.  The freighter was minimally armed, with at least one forward and aft particle cannon, making it comparable in firepower to an NX-class starship, but significantly inferior in power to a Tholian ship. They were also equipped with a transporter system and a cloaking device. This type of vessel was capable of exceeding warp factor 5."

Another interesting fact is that the freighter is actually made up of several smaller Suliban ships.  A majority of it is composed of Suliban Stealth Ships while several Suliban Spherical Cell ships hold the whole thing together.

If you would like to read more official stuff on this type of ship, feel free to check out the following links:

Suliban Freighter Information: Memory Alpha LINK and NO Memory Beta LINK


My initial thought as I was unboxing the model was that it had a very repetitive deign.  Because of that, I won't have as many pictures to share.  My second thought was that the model is on the heavier side for its size.

The paint work is fascinating, but not perfect.  The majority of the ship is done up with the familiar tan color that we saw on other Suliban ships.  Eaglemoss then overlaid a slightly darker brown panel patchwork across the model.

Eaglemoss included tiny little window paint across all parts of the ship.  This goes far in giving us a sense of scale for the ship.  It also further enhances the overall look of the model, giving us little pinpoints of "light" to further draw our attention in.  Unfortunately, the window paint does not match up with the molded window details on a majority of the sections.

The sculpt and mold work on this model is downright awesome.  The exterior sections (ships) are rendered in nice crisp details.  The central section of the model is probably the most amazing part of the mold work.  I love the exposed mechanics that are shown in great detail.  Eaglemoss also chose to paint this section a dark brown which allows your eyes to be immediately drawn to this area.  The only issue I can see is that those central placed Cell Ships are not easily seen.  Due to the complexity of the model and details, I highly doubt Eaglemoss could have done anything about it.  Even I would be hard challenged to have been able to squeeze paint details in those area and have it come out looking OK.

The only other thing I wished I could have seen would be some red painted on the engine exhausts.

And that is all the pictures and comparisons I have to share on this ship at this time.  As for pricing, I will continue with the tradition of looking up pricing on eBay and finding the most inexpensive Buy-It-Now prices at the time of this article's writing.  Prices were researched last on July 25th, 2020, and as of the writing of this article, I was able to find the model from a seller for around $29 (shipping included).  You also can currently order the model right from Eaglemoss' US WebStore for around $25 (shipping unknown).

Other than the misaligned window paint, I was super pleased with this model.  The mold and sculpt work was phenomenal and the paint work did a great job of highlighting it all.  For the price, you are getting a super little model that will look fantastic among your alien fleet.  This is definitely one I recommend.


Every once in a while, I'll have a little extra stuff to share with you that sort of fits in with my comparison articles.

This latest model will bring an end to the Eaglemoss Standard Edition models for the Suliban.  That being said, here is a picture of that fleet.  The other model pictured came to us back in Issue #94 and was the Suliban Cell Ship (Spherical Variant).

Suliban Stealth Cruiser
1:1400 Scale Resin Modeler Kit


This seems like the last chance for me to bring anyone's attention to a resin model kit that I purchased and built, the Suliban Stealth Cruiser.  This 1:1400 scale model comes from a company called Resin Modeller and was a very simple build.  I had already written a review of this model, so rather than rehash all of that material, I will direct you to THIS LINK where you can check out the model if you so desire.

As always, I hope you found this article useful and informative.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to comment below.

So for now, "Live long and prosper!!!"

Additional Links To Photos Of My Collection:
Resin Modeler Stealth Cruiser

Other Reviewers Take On The Eaglemoss Model:
Some Kind Of Star Trek

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