Friday, February 16, 2018

EMvTW 101: Bajoran Freighter (Antares Class (Bajoran))

NOTE:  You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.

I really need to get focused on writing these reviews as I have a HUGE backlog of 18 ships for us to look at together.  Luckily, I have all of the new photo libraries in place and I think we're in great shape to pop out several a day until we are caught up.

Next in our line-up is the Bajoran Antares Class Freighter.  We see a couple of these throughout two different series, however, the first appearance happens in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode that is titled, "Ensign Ro".

The model might have a familiar appearance to Star Trek fans as it has been redressed several times to appear as different types of vessels throughout Star Trek history.  In fact, Eaglemoss will be bringing us one of these ships in the near future in the form of the Smuggler's Ship as seen in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode that is titled, "Unification I".  You can read my review of that model at THIS LINK.

Per Memory Alpha and Memory Beta, "The Antares-class was a type of spacecraft used by the Bajorans and the Cardassians as transports, freighters, and low-capability warships during and after the Occupation of Bajor."

If you would like to read more official stuff on this type of ship, feel free to check out the following links:

Antares Class (Bajoran) Information: Memory Alpha LINK and Memory Beta LINK

Let us take a better look at the Eaglemoss model.


For the most part, I am pretty pleased with this model from Eaglemoss.

The sculpted and molded details are extremely nice.  There are lots of details that have been etched into the surface of the ship and these details are crisp and clear looking.  Then to add to the tactile feel of the ship, Eaglemoss even added greebles to several areas of the ship, including some sort of pod/platform near the top rear of the vessel.

The paint work is where I am less pleased with for this model.  Something about it just leaves me desiring more.  In fact, the previously mentioned pod seems to be a different shade of tan than the rest of the ship.

Although there are some light tan areas painted onto certain areas of the ship, it just doesn't seem to be enough to break up the boring appearance caused by the uniform color.  I was pleased to see that the window paint was decent looking and Eaglemoss even painted in the impulse engines.

Another nicely executed feature was in regards to the joins and seams.  They blend very well with the details along the side edges of the model.

And that is all I really have to share at this point on this class of ship.  As for pricing, I will continue with the tradition of rounding up the most inexpensive Buy-It-Now prices from eBay at the time of this article's writing (February 2018).

Eaglemoss = $26

NOTE: Prices were researched last on February 16th, 2018.  You can also currently order the Eaglemoss model right from the company themselves for around $23 (shipping unknown).

Which now brings us to discussing if this model is worth the money?  Honestly, it's a very decent model.  And given the history behind the original filming model, it makes for a neat novelty ship to put on display.  I can comfortably say that as long as you can get this for $30 or less, then you should definitely consider adding it to you collection.

As always, I hope you found this article useful and informative.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to comment below.

So for now, "Live long and prosper!!!"

Additional Links To Photos Of My Collection:

Other Reviewers Take On The Eaglemoss Model:
Some Kind Of Star Trek
Star Trek Starship Collection

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