Wednesday, November 2, 2016

EMvTW 68: Federation Attack Fighter (Peregrine Class (Canon) Fighter)

NOTE:  You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.

Rewrites: May 2019

October brought with it some extra candy for my collection and I was able to add 6 new Eaglemoss ships to it.  The first of these ships that we will look at is the Federation Attack Fighter.  This little starship has made quite a few on screen appearances, but we first get to see in in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode called "The Maquis, Part II"

I only have one manufacturer's version of this model so this will be a relatively short review.

Per Memory Alpha and Beta, "The Federation attack fighter was a type of small starship employed by Starfleet as an attack fighter during the Dominion War.  In the year 2370, the Maquis were able to procure a large amount of these fighters as part of their fight against the Cardassians in the Demilitarized Zone. During the Dominion War, hundreds of these fighters were deployed in various battle fleets, most notably during Operation Return. "

If you would like to read more official stuff on this type of ship, feel free to check out the following links:

Peregrine Class (Canon) Fighter Information: Memory Alpha LINK and Memory Beta LINK

I did a brief cursory look through the magazine and it doesn't look like Eaglemoss caught the fact that this type of ship is called the Peregrine Class Fighter.  Initially, this fact was backed by the Memory Alpha: Peregrine Class and Memory Beta: Peregrine Class website articles, however, in the 2 plus years between the rewrite of the article, the information I based this off of has been omitted.  If you do a Google Image search though on "Peregrine Class Fighter" (Click THIS INK to see.), you will see pictures of the exact same ship.

Now that I got that out of the way, let us look at Eaglemoss' model.


When I originally wrote this article, I described the model as "SIMPLE".  As I have been re-reviewing it, I am upgrading my initial reaction to "MOSTLY SIMPLE".  Nah,!!!  The model is actually rather nice.  This seems to be the case whenever Eaglemoss takes a relatively small sized ship and blows it up to their Standard Sized models.

As is usual, in recent months releases, Eaglemoss sculpted us a nicely detailed ship that translated wonderfully in the molding process for both the metal and plastic parts.

The  modular look of the ship does well in allowing Eaglemoss to hide the joins and seams all along the model.

There are no clear plastic parts on this on as the sections of the ship that would normally glow are concealed within its hull.  Eaglemoss would have been severely challenged trying to squeeze those plastics into the model.

I was OK with this lack of plastics parts because in the end, Eaglemoss squeezed in other details, like the rear hatch on the ship.

The reason I initially described the model as "SIMPLE" my first go around with it, was probably because of the paint job.  Don't get me wrong, the paint work is not bad at all.  It's just, well, sort of plain as far as the coloring goes.  There isn't a lot of contrasting details to draw you eyes to the model.  I guess I should expect this as the ship is supposed to be an older design that had been re-purposed into a fighter.  In fact, Eaglemoss did a slight bit of weathering across the wings to give it that older look, but the overall look still seems plain to me.

NOTE: Prices were researched last on May 1st, 2019.  As of the writing of this article, you can also currently order the Eaglemoss model right from the company's US WebStore for around $23 (shipping unknown).

At the time of the re-write, I found the model on eBay for around $13 to $20 (shipping included).  At the time that I bought mine, I paid around $25 for it and that is right in line with what I would expect to pay for a Standard Edition model.  Given that this is one of those rare models that no other manufacturers has produced in a pre-built and pre-painted format, the amount that I paid for mine on eBay was well worth it to add this ship to my fleet.  I have mine parked next to my (Maquis raider) (Ju'Day Class) model.

As always, I hope you found this article useful and informative.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to comment below.

So for now, "Live long and prosper!!!"

Additional Links To Photos Of My Collection:

Other Reviewers Take On The Eaglemoss Model:
Some Kind Of Star Trek
Star Trek Starship Collection

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