Friday, June 5, 2020

EMvTW 148 - Jem'Hadar Battleship

NOTE:  You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.

Rewrites: NONE YET

It has been just a few days over a year since I last wrote a review for this blog.  While I have been keeping busy building other models from time to time, I have not felt motivated enough to do any articles about those builds.  It has just been that sort of year.  I stopped writing this last year because I went into the second half of 2019 feeling kind of crappy.  Things were going really well until about 2 weeks ago and then things "went to shit" again.  I finally decided to just bite the bullet and start collecting the Eaglemoss models again and bury my head into writing the reviews.  We'll see how this therapy goes.  :-)

And so, without any further dragging of feet, I present to you Eaglemoss vs. The World, Issues # 148, which happens to be the Jem'Hadar Battleship.

We first get to see this starship in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode called "Valiant".

Per Memory Alpha and Beta, "The Jem'Hadar or Dominion battleship was a type of warship introduced in the Alpha Quadrant midway through the Dominion War, in 2374."  They say further in the article, "Initial observations of the vessel, conducted by the Valiant using sensor probes, indicated that the battleship was twice the size of a Galaxy-class starship and three times as powerful."

If you would like to read more official stuff on this type of ship, feel free to check out the following links:

Jem'Hadar Battleship Information: Memory Alpha LINK and Memory Beta LINK

My reviews usually focus on just the model itself.  I don't really like talking about the magazine ot the stand, but I have to say, the stand this time around is wonky.  It sort of grips the back of the ship, but a slight bump will knock it down, so be cautious of how close to the edge of a shelf that you display this thing.

Now that I got that off of my chest, and off of the shelf, let us take a good look at the actual model.


Right off the bat, I have to say that this model has a great mix of metal and plastic parts, thus giving the model some weight to it, while still allowing Eaglemoss to greeble the heck out of it for a decent price.

The sculpt and mold work are very precise across the entire model, giving it a crisp and sharp feel all over.  The model feels as dangerous as this ship would be in real life.

I really love the weapons pods that are attached to the bottom of the ship.  Eaglemoss did a fantastic job of representing this part of the ship.

A thought kept trying to occur to me while I was admiring the bottom of the ship.  It finally dawned on me that this weapons system looks a lot like the thicker, more robust version of the Breen ships of that era.  I wonder if there was some cross influencing going on there.

Incidentally, if you are interested in reading my review of the Breen Warship, you may find that article at THIS LINK.

Speaking of greebles, the prongs on top of the model make the ship look like it has a set of deadly fangs, which, given what this ship is, I suppose that they are exactly that.

Of the three Jem'Hadar ships that Eaglemoss has produced up to this point, I am going to have to say that this one is the best, hands down when it comes to the paint work done to this model.  The paint application is precise and the mix of colors across the entire ship are not overbearing, yet they still draw you attention to the important bits of the model

My only complaint is that they could have added a little color to the engine exhaust ports on the rear of the ship.

All in all, there is a ton of fine details packed into this very small model and you will get a lot for your money.

For those of you who are not familiar with my reviews, this is the part of my writing where I give you my opinion on whether the model is worth the money.

The problem with that plan is that I was not able to get the model through my regular channels of either the US based Eaglemoss Webstore, or on eBay.  It appears that at the time of this article's writing (June 5th, 2020), this model is a bit of a rarity.  I was rather bummed as I really wanted to start writing reviews again, and I could not get my hands on the first model.  I put out some feelers on FaceBook and someone pointed out that the UK based Eaglemoss Webstore did have it in stock and that there was a third party company called that could assist with the fact that Eaglemoss will not ship from the UK to the US.  I gave the service a try and it cost me about $30 extra to ship two models overseas, but they came within 5 days of ordering them.

In the end, I spent about $45 to acquire this particular (and I'll remind you, rare) model.  I have grown accustomed and comfortable to spending up to $30 through non-Eaglemoss sources to get my hands on the standard line of models so, from a price perspective, I sort of feel like I paid too much for it, but it was the only way to acquire it for the review.

However, given the excellent quality of the model, and the rarity at the time I got it, I actually feel like it was worth that $45 this time around.  I'll reserve my thoughts on whether you my reader can afford to get it or if you wish to wait and see if it becomes available again in the US.

And before I wrap up this article, I have one last picture to share with you.

And that brings us to the end of my first review in just over a year.

As always, I hope you found this article useful and informative.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to comment below.

So for now, "Live long and prosper!!!"

Additional Links To Photos Of My Collection:
Eaglemoss     Fleet Pictures

Other Reviewers Take On The Eaglemoss Model:
Some Kind Of Star Trek


  1. Hey~ WELCOME BACK! :D

    I have all 3 dominion ships and I absolutely love them~ my battleship can never stay on the display without wanting to slide off, kinda annoying to prevent damage I have to restraint putting up for display

    1. Hi there and thank you! It's great to be back writing again. Sometimes EM does a great stand idea, and other times... not so much.
      --DS Pat

  2. Just happened to read about how you acquire you model, just sharing do you check with BigBadToy? I gotten mine from them through a friend staying in the states (I'm in Malaysia); their trek ships are quite reasonable priced + shipping; too bad my steamrunner still not fulfilled

    1. Hi there! That name rings a bell. I most likely did look at them as well. Unfortunately, I was on the search for two different models and was trying to keep shipping reasonable by hopefully buying them together. In the end, the option worked out best for me.
      ---DS Pat
