Friday, August 24, 2018

EMvTW 127: Eymorg Starship

NOTE:  You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.

It took a little while for this review to come about, and we can thank the U.S. Eaglemoss Webstore for that.  This model was not available to us U.S. based folks until sometime last week.  I had eventually gotten tired of waiting and bought it on eBay from someone in the U.K.  Anyway...

Our next review brings us the Eymorg Starship, which only appears in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode called "Spock's Brain".

Actually... this particular looking starship didn't appear until CBS remastered the old series in 2007, so we are in reality, getting an updated version of that starship.

Per Memory Alpha and Beta, "The Eymorg starship was a highly advanced starship operated by the Eymorg of Sigma Draconis VI during the mid-23rd century.  This vessel was constructed from a unique technology, with an origin potentially dating back as far as 8000 BC. It was capable of high velocities, as it was driven by an ion propulsion drive. The vessel also possessed transporter capabilities, and could be operated by a crew of one."

Memory Alpha goes on to say that, "For the 2007 remastered version of "Spock's Brain", a new computer-generated version of the ion-powered spacecraft was rendered by CBS Digital. The new ship featured a completely overhauled designed which abandoned the now antiquated notion of a rocket-shaped vessel."

Here is what the starship originally looked like in 1968, and apparently, it was a bear to film back then because of the model's size and paint scheme.

Photo Credit: Memory Alpha

If you would like to read more official stuff on this type of ship, feel free to check out the following links:

Eymorg Starship Information: Memory Alpha LINK and NO Memory Beta LINK



This is not a very big model, as it come in the same size box as the Borg Sphere and Borg Diamond, but don't let it's small size make you think you are not getting your money's worth.

Due to the shape and layout of this vessel, there really isn't that many angles to look a it from.  😀  In fact you will only see some slight variation if you look a the model from the front.  The weapons emitters are the only thing that are not evenly space around the front of the ship.

The sculpt and mold work are a thing of simple beauty on this model.  While I might have complained about the model suffering from E.M.M.S. (definition at the end of the article), I think that those rounded edges give more believeability that this vessel is VERY old.

The mold work on the ring assembly and ion drive pods is pretty cool to look at closeup.  

The paint work on the model is nice, with a aztec and mottled look spread across the ship.   I think that Eaglemoss could have done a slightly better job though and given the ship a more weathered look, to better show off the ship's 10,000 year old age.  I just don't think the paint conveys that feeling well enough.

The weapons emitters do get some love in the form of some orange paint which helps them sand out.  And the main ion drive has tons of orange paint so that you have no doubt that this thing can move quick.

Looking at the back of the ion drive pods, you can see that Eaglemoss has graced us with some of thier clear plastics that help give thier model that extra awesome touch.

The joins and seams have been blended perfectly into the natural lines and curves of the vessel.

And that is all I really have to share at this point on this class of ship.  As for pricing, I will continue with the tradition of rounding up the most inexpensive Buy-It-Now prices from eBay at the time of this article's writing (August 2018).

Eaglemoss = $27

NOTE: Prices were researched last on August 24th, 2018.  As of the writing of this article, you can also currently order the Eaglemoss model right from the company themselves for around $23 (shipping unknown).

I ended up having to pay $30 to get my model about two weeks ago.  Even a that price, the unique look, and good execution by Eaglemoss in producing the model, make it well worth the money

As always, I hope you found this article useful and informative.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to comment below.

So for now, "Live long and prosper!!!"

EMMS = Eaglemoss Melted Marshmallow Syndrome.  This is best described as a softening of details where they appear more rounded, less edgy and a bit out of focus.  Sort of what happens to a marshmallow as you heat it up to it's melting point on a camp fire.

Additional Links To Photos Of My Collection:

Other Reviewers Take On The Eaglemoss Model:
Some Kind Of Star Trek
Star Trek Starship Collection

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