Wednesday, November 17, 2021

EMvTW Extra 29 - USS Valiant NCC-6089 (Defiant Class Concept)

NOTE:  You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.

Rewrites: None

Life is weird.  Quite a few months ago, I had to stop writing the Eaglemoss vs The World reviews, because of a lot of (bad, then good) life changes, and I just didn't have the time to do this.  Then in October, the models started flowing in from Eaglemoss again, after Eaglemoss had to take almost a six month pandemic induced (manufacturing and then shipping delayed) hiatus.  I panicked.  How was I going to catch up, and deal with the extra influx of models?  So I started squeezing in the time around work and raising an infant, and low an behold, I managed to review FOURTEEN Eaglemoss models in just over a month.  That's a record for me.  I hope you readers have enjoyed the whirlwind ride as well.

This review marks the fact that I have officially caught up again with what has been released in the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection.  At least, the ones that I am willing to purchase and add to the collection.  Remember, I don't collect the XL line, nor will I buy any of the Gold plated models.  For this review, we are looking at a very interesting Bonus (or Extra as I call them) Edition model, the USS Valiant (NCC-6089), which was derived from the concept art during the design of the USS Defiant (NX-74205).

We never get to see this ship on screen, except accidentally via a Okudogram on the Defiant during one episode.  The mistake was immediately corrected, and this ship is forever relegated to the non-cannon status.

Per Memory Beta, "The USS Valiant (NCC-60890) was a 25th century Federation starship, a Valiant-class tactical escort and the prototype of its class. The Valiant entered Starfleet service in the 2400s decade and continued operations into the 2410s."

If you would like to read more official stuff on this type of ship, feel free to check out the following links:

USS Valiant (NCC-6089) Information: NO Memory Alpha LINK and Memory Beta LINK 1 & LINK 2
Valiant Class Information: NO Memory Alpha LINK and Memory Beta LINK

As stated above, the Valiant came about during the design phases of the USS Defiant (NX-74205) [Defiant Class Warship].  There are similarities between the Valiant and the Defiant and it is really a treat to have Eaglemoss bring this concept art to life in the form of a static model.

USS Valiant (NCC-6089)                USS Defiant (NX-74205)

Here are two side by side pictures of the Reliant and Defiant...

Top View

Bottom View

If you care to see some other comparison pictures of the two models, there will be a link to a photo album of those kinds of shots at the end of this article.

Eaglemoss and several other manufacturers produced a Defiant model and you can read my review and comparison of several of them at THIS LINK.

Last but not least, in Defiant news, Eaglemoss also produced a cloaked version of the Defiant, but I refused to pay $40 at the time for a clear piece of resin.  That cloaked model is currently not available at Eaglemoss' US based WebStore, and eBay sellers are having a Hay Day with the price gouging.  Personally, that model seemed like a real lazy way to make money off of us collectors.

Photo Credit: Eaglemoss

That should be enough discussion about the Defiant model.  Let us move on to the review of the Valiant.


One of the things I really liked about the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection is when Eaglemoss presented to us concept ships through their Bonus line of models.  I really enjoyed obtaining an actual static model of something we normally would never be able to collect, or build on our own.  So when the Valiant came online in the Eaglemoss WebStore, I jumped on it and pre-ordered it right away.  Five months later, it finally came in the mail and into my collection it went for review.

The paint work for this model is most impressive.  While the model is mostly white, there is a very faint aztec pattern across the ship.  The part that is impressive though is the rest of the painted details.  Panels and intakes have been painted in and give the ship a very busy look.  

The ship's registry information and the Starfleet logos all painted in crisp and clear.  And those red pinstripes and Starfleet pennants just succeed in making the model pop and grab your attention.

Eaglemoss even painted in the impulse engines to give them that fiery red glow.

The sculpt and mold work is really well done.  The etching of panel lines is crisp and easy to see.  The molded details and painted details mesh well and only serve to accentuate each other.  All over the model, there are tons of tactile details that you can feel, and underneath the ship, you can also make out sensor domes, the shuttle bay and other key ship components.

One of the two things about my model that bothered me was in regards to one of the join seams along the "nacelles" on the side of the ship.  On this side  of the model, you can see a slight gape between the top and bottom piece.

Speaking of the "nacelles", the side wings of the model carry on all the above mentioned details.  The nacelle grills have been painted in light blue to represent them glowing.

The front portion of the nacelles have the bussard collectors painted in a vibrant red to also represent this glowing section of the ship.


Unfortunately, there are no clear plastics anywhere on the model this time.  I think that it would have been some very delicious icing on the cake had Eaglemoss been able to include some of their clear plastic work.

For those familiar with this series of articles from me, you will know that when possible, I typically go in for a close-up of the Starfleet ship's deflector dish.  In my opinion, you can tell a lot about a company's attention to details by just looking at this area of the ship.

The sculpt work is nicely done and the light blue paint does a good job of representing the glow of the dish.  The pant is slightly off center though, so that it does not completely fill in the molded area.  That was a typical problem of Eaglemoss throughout the entire collection and I'm surprised a lot more of the painted details were not misaligned.  It's not a horrible mistake though.

And that is all the pictures that I have to share on this ship at this time.  Prices were researched last on November 15, 2021, and as of the writing of this article, I was able to find the model from a non-US based seller on eBay for around $89 (shipping included).  You also can currently order the model right from Eaglemoss' US WebStore for around $30 (shipping unknown).

I only had two (very minor) complaints about Eaglemoss' USS Valiant model.  Other than those two issues, I thought that the model was rather eye catching.  It also makes for a good display partner with the USS Defiant.  My concern though, is that I do not consider this model to be worth $89.  While it is a great model, it is not $89 great.  I do think that it is a steal at that $30 cost, and quite frankly, if I had to do some digging to try to obtain this model for my collection, I would dare say that I'd be willing to pay up to $50 for it.  I feel that the model is that good.  So in the end, if you want a cool model of a rare starship, that is well made, then go purchase that model for your fleet.

As always, I hope you found this article useful and informative.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to comment below.

So for now, "Live long and prosper!!!"

Additional Links To Photos Of My Collection:
Eaglemoss     Reliant vs Defiant Comparison

Other Reviewers Take On The Eaglemoss Model:
Some Kind Of Star Trek [NO REVIEW YET - 11/15/2021]

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