Monday, January 25, 2021

EMvTW 172 - Xindi-Insectoid Scout Ship (Castroi Class)

NOTE:  You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.

Rewrites: NONE YET

It's a new year here at Deep Space Pat.  I'm about to turn a year older at the end of the month and I am looking forward to a much better 2021.  Lots of good life changes in the works, and hopefully enough time to finish off the 15 articles I have queued up behind the scenes.  That all being said, let us begin...

The next model we are going to review in our Eaglemoss vs. The World series is the Xindi Insectoid Castroi Class scout ship.  This is the second Insectoid ship that Eaglemoss has brought us.

We first get to see this starship in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode called "Hatchery".

Per Memory Alpha and Beta, "The Xindi-Insectoid scout ship was a type of warp-capable scout ship used by the Xindi-Insectoids. The vessel was much smaller than most Xindi ships, and only carried a crew of three."

If you would like to read more official stuff on this type of ship, feel free to check out the following links:

Castroi Class Information: Memory Alpha LINK and Memory Beta LINK


At first glance, I am reminded of the Cylon Raiders from the Battlestar Galactica Reboot with those long swept forward, pincer like wings.

The Xindi ship's wings are as equally menacing looking as the Cylon Raider with just the right amount of jagged edges.  And Eaglemoss did a fine job of rendering the menace into their model.

The overall sculpt and mold work on the model is clean and crisp with no dull parts anywhere.  

Random parts jut out from the ship to further enhance the dangerous look of the ship.

Speaking of parts jutting out, Eaglemoss did a great job of adding greebles to represent the forward facing guns on the ship.

The join seams are blended well into the model too.  The only place they sort of show themselves is on the bottom front of the model, but even then, they lust look like panel lines.

The paint work on this model is downright awesome.  The cockpit windows are painted black which somehow just makes the ship look mean.  The model also boasts random panels painted on across the ship.  The most impressive part of the painting though is the cloud effect paint that is applied to engineering and the wings.  While the groves of the wings are not painted perfectly, the effect of the color choice does a good job of drawing your attention away from the little mistakes.  You can almost imagine some sort of swirling gases or liquid occurring in those sections of the ship.

Overall, the model is very well done, and a great representation of the Xindi Insectoid race's ships.  And it displays well with Eaglemoss' other model that was released way back in Issue # 24.

If you wish to check out my review of the Xindi Insectoid ship (Olaen class), you can find that article at THIS LINK.

And that is all the pictures and comparisons I have to share on this ship at this time.  As for pricing, I will continue with the tradition of rounding up the most inexpensive Buy-It-Now prices from eBay at the time of this article's writing (January 24th, 2021).  It looks like the model isn't that popular with collectors as it is going for around $25 both on eBay as well as directly from Eaglemoss' US webstore.  Although, if you buy it on eBay, it looks like shipping is included and you won't have to deal with Eaglemoss' notorious shipping delays that they seem to experience on the East coast these days.

And we now come to the reason that I write these articles.  Is the model worth the money?  I find that Eaglemoss has gotten far better at producing these small scale models as they progress through the collection.  And this model is a prime example of the great quality for a low cost model that you don't have to build and paint yourself.  So, in my opinion, yes, it is worth the money.  And it definitely is a must have if you especially collect alien ships, or have any of the other Xindi race ships.


Every once in a while, I'll have a little extra stuff to share with you that sort of fits in with my comparison articles.

I believe that this ship marks the end of the Xindi line of starships for the Standard Edition collection.  All in all, Eaglemoss produced a pretty cool looking fleet for those that collected all of the ships.

The remaining models that make up the Eaglemoss Xindi fleet are #65 Xindi Aquatic Cruiser (22th Century) (Narcine class) (Review at THIS LINK), #81 Xindi Reptilian ship (Contortrix class) (Review at THIS LINK), and  #137 Xindi Humanoid (Primate) Ship (Ateleth Class) (Review at THIS LINK).

At one point in my model building career, I decided to turn a submarine into a starship.  Eventually, I built something and decided that it looked like a Xindi Aquatic type ship.

I dubbed it the Manta Class and placed it as a 24th century starship.  You can read more about that ship and my build process for it at THIS LINK.

As always, I hope you found this article useful and informative.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to comment below.

So for now, "Live long and prosper!!!"

Additional Links To Photos Of My Collection:
Eaglemoss     Fleet Pictures

Other Reviewers Take On The Eaglemoss Model:
Some Kind Of Star Trek

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