Sunday, July 19, 2020

EMvTW Extra 21 - Klingon D4 Concept (D'ama Class)

NOTE:  You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.

Rewrites: NONE YET

The next Bonus Edition starship to be released by Eaglemoss was a concept model of what the D4 would have looked like in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode called "Unexpected".

Sadly, this design was never used on screen.

Per Memory Beta, "The D4 class battlecruiser was a type of warship designed and built by the Klingon Empire during the mid-22nd through mid-23rd centuries. The distinctive silhouette became as much a symbol of the Empire as the Imperial Trefoil itself, and was carried forward into the D6 and D7 classes."

If you would like to read more official stuff on this type of ship, feel free to check out the following links:

D'ama Class Information: Memory Alpha LINK and Memory Beta LINK

I take issue with part of Memory Beta's description of calling it a D4 class since we already have a canon based D4 in the form of the bird like ship we see in Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013).  I actually did a review of Eaglemoss' Special Edition, as well as Hot Wheels' version of this ship way back in Special Edition Issue #4.  You can read that review at THIS LINK.  I suppose that some needs to correct the typo at some point since they also refer to it as the D'ama Class.

Let us take a look at this model.


I have always been a big fan of Star Trek: Enterprise.  I loved how we got to see what Starfleet and other races were like before there was a Federation.  I loved the retro look of all of the technology, especially the starships.  I felt that the shows creators did a fantastic job of retconing the ships.  They made them look more primitive, yet still giving us enough to see where the technology would eventually end up in later dates shows.  This work was especially present and noticeable in the Klingon starships.  While this particular ship never made it to the screen, it still followed the same principals as some other Klingon ships that did show up in some of the episodes.

The model's paint work is rather nicely done.  The entire model is done up with a silver/green metallic paint with a yellow/green highlights to bring out certain panels and the feathering on the wings of the vessel.

The model is also highlighted with some grey weathering to help convey an image of a heavily used starship.  I am particularly impressed with the Kligon emblem and ship's registry on both the top and bottom of the wing.

The impulse engines have been painted red, both for the intakes as well as the engine exhausts, however, some of the paint was incomplete on the rear of these engines.

I feel that the sculpt and mold work is even more nicely done.  The model has the necessary photon torpedo launcher located on the bottom of the command module.  It would be a little more impressive if Eaglemoss had dabbed a tiny bit of paint in there to darken it.

As with other Star Trek: Enterprise era Klingon ships, Eaglemoss did a fantastic job replicating the pipes and conduits that run along the neck of the ship.  This attention to detail amazes me every time I have seen Eaglemoss do this on their models.

The molding continues to impress along the edges of the wings.  The back edges of the wings have been molded to be open and show off some support struts.

I am particularly happy with the mold work on the impulse engine which graces both the top and bottom of the vessel.

The warp nacelles are equally well done.  The sculpt work replicates the open design of the older era Klingon ships, while the paint work highlights the warp grill.

 Nacelle: Outer View

Nacelle: Inner View

Eaglemoss did not use any clear plastics on this model, and the join seams are cleverly hidden along the natural lines of the ship.

And that is all the pictures and comparisons I have to share on this ship at this time.  As for pricing, I will continue with the tradition of looking up pricing on eBay and finding the most inexpensive Buy-It-Now prices at the time of this article's writing.  Prices were researched last on July 19th, 2020, and as of the writing of this article, I was able to find the model from a seller for around $75 (shipping included).  Lucky for all of us, you also can currently order the model right from Eaglemoss' US WebStore for around $30 (shipping unknown).

Other than the slight paint issue with one of the impulse engine, this model is downright perfectly produced.  I am even more thrilled that Eaglemoss has the model in stock so that we are not being held hostage by the overly priced eBay sellers.  With all of that being said, if you are a fan of the Klingons, then this model is a must for your collection.

As always, I hope you found this article useful and informative.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to comment below.

So for now, "Live long and prosper!!!"

Additional Links To Photos Of My Collection:

Other Reviewers Take On The Eaglemoss Model:
Some Kind Of Star Trek


  1. Looks rather a lot like a D-7 to me. In fact, I'd need to set them side by side to really notice differences. So for me, I don't like it much just because it's not very interesting to see a starship so similar to another.

    1. I believe the goal with the ship design was to show a predecessor to the D-7, hence the similarities. It is interesting though to see that they chose to go with a Bird If Prey looking ship instead for the movies.
      ---DS Pat
