Friday, June 26, 2020

EMvTW 157 - Groumall CUF-2700 (Cardassian Freighter)

NOTE:  You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.

Rewrites: NONE YET

Our next review is of a Cardassian vessel.  While it is not a glorious attack vessel, it does give us another vessel from this race and brings the Eaglemoss collection to a total of four.

We first get to see this starship in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode called "Return to Grace".

Per Memory Alpha and Beta, "The Groumall was a freighter that was in service with the Cardassian military in the late 24th century. Gul Dukat was assigned command of the Groumall after he was demoted for bringing his illegitimate daughter, Tora Ziyal, back to Cardassia Prime. Glinn Damar also served on board as the first officer."

If you would like to read more official stuff on this type of ship, feel free to check out the following links:

Groumall Class Information: Memory Alpha LINK and Memory Beta LINK
Groumall (CUF-2700) Information: Memory Alpha LINK and Memory Beta LINK

As the collection winds down to its final 180th issue, we are starting to see some interesting one timer starships coming at us.  I am quite enjoying these odd ships as they help fill my collection with types of ships that other manufacturers have never come close to producing.


I never noticed the Cardassian pincer on the front of the ship until I took a close look at the model.  That is an interesting design element that is present on most Cardassian ships, and Eaglemoss did a nice job of representing it.

The sculpt and mold work are nicely done.  The tactile details are done is such a way as to suggest the ship is a bit worn for wear, yet the details are crisp enough to still show off the finer points of the vessel.

The paintwork is well done too.  There is a blotchy pattern across the ship to help with the appearance of it being heavily used.  Panels of grey and mustard yellow cover the ship as well.  The application of the Cardassian logo to the engineering section is a bonus.

Painted windows along the top portion of the ship give a good idea of the actual size of the vessel.

Other reviewers have noted that they noticed a misalignment of the painted details with their molded details.  I really didn't see this issue on my model.

The engineering section was painted to show off the engine exhausts.  

The one thing I noticed right away was the join seams.  Eaglemoss tried to hide them, but sadly, they end up creating a gap that can not be explained away.  

The join seam runs along both the top and the bottom of the model.

And that is all the pictures and comparisons I have to share on this ship at this time.  As for pricing, I will continue with the tradition of rounding up the most inexpensive Buy-It-Now prices from eBay at the time of this article's writing (June 2020).

Eaglemoss = $25

NOTE: Prices were researched last on June 26th, 2020.  As of the writing of this article, you can also currently order the Eaglemoss model right from the company's US WebStore for around $25 (shipping unknown).

Prices on this model are the same no matter where you look for it, which makes recommending it an easier time for me.  While those join seams are annoying, given the quality of the rest of the model, I am willing to forgive that issue.  All in all, I feel that you end up with a rather nice looking alien ship.  And if you have collected the other Cardassian models, then this one helps complete that collection.

As always, I hope you found this article useful and informative.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to comment below.

So for now, "Live long and prosper!!!"

Additional Links To Photos Of My Collection:

Other Reviewers Take On The Eaglemoss Model:
Some Kind Of Star Trek

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