Thursday, June 11, 2020

EMvTW 151: B'omar Patrol Ship

NOTE:  You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.

Rewrites: NONE YET

With this issue of Eaglemoss vs. The World, we have shot past our 150th review of the Standard Edition models and start the final journey to that last one at #180.  Do we think that Eaglemoss will extend the collection again?  I'm not so sure this time.  They are now scraping the bottom of the barrel for materials to produce.  That is also coupled with the fact that they are now spinning up new collections for other Star Trek ships (like Star Trek Online) as well as other TV series starships (like The Orville).

So for Issue #151, we get to take a look at the B'omar Patrol Ship.

We first get to see this starship in the Star Trek: Voyager episode called "The Raven".

Per Memory Alpha, "The B'omar patrol ship was a type of small starship used by the B'omar Sovereignty to guard B'omar space. It was armed with directed energy weapons and torpedoes, and protected by shields. Tactically, it was inferior to a Federation Type 6 shuttlecraft."

If you would like to read more official stuff on this type of ship, feel free to check out the following links:

B'omar Patrol Ship Information: Memory Alpha LINK and NO Memory Beta LINK

It looks like the B'omar and their patrol ships did not intrigue anyone enough to write any non-canon stories about them, hence the lack of material on the Memory Beta site.

Let us take a look at this ship from a few different angles...


I usually like to focus these reviews on just the model itself.  I don't usually focus on the stand or magazine as those don't really interest me as a collector.  While the stand holds the model firmly in place, I am slightly concerned with its placement on the model.  The stand slides over the rear of the ship and just barely misses an area of the model that I would consider to be more on the fragile side of things.  I would say that you should just be aware of this.

When I review pre-built and pre-painted models, I have a template of 4 factors that I grade the model against.  Those are paintwork, sculpt and mold work, join seams, and lastly, if there are any other cool factors, like clear plastics.  This model holds up very well in the categories that apply to it.

The sculpt and mold work are just plain fantastic.  All of the tactile parts, the grooves, the ridges, the edges, are done up in nice crisp fashion.  The panel lines are well defined.

The thing that greatly impressed me though took a little more effort on my part to show off.  The ship has several areas where a wire frame of sorts juts out from the ship.  Unfortunately, they did not show up well when I photographed the model against my traditional black background, so I had to resort to the slightly less professional background of my model building workbench.

The paintwork is equally impressive with the multiple colors across the entire model.  The base purple color is mottled, giving the ship a more used look.

The panel lines and air intakes are highlighted in varying colors, while the black cockpit is ominous looking.

While Eaglemoss did not include any clear plastics this time around, they did use a paint color that I call Jade Metallic to highlight engine areas of the ship.

At the right angle and lighting, those areas suddenly scream, "LOOK AT ME!"

While the join seam is noticeable on the bottom of the model, it follows along the natural lines of the ship and can actually be written off as part of the ships design if you didn't know better.

And that is all the pictures and comparisons I have to share on this ship at this time.  As for pricing, I will continue with the tradition of rounding up the most inexpensive Buy-It-Now prices from eBay at the time of this article's writing (June 2020).

Eaglemoss = $28

NOTE: Prices were researched last on June 11th, 2020.  Unfortunately, at the time that I am writing this, Eaglemoss does not have this ship in stock on their US WebStore, so we are at the mercy of the eBay sellers.

So, with all that said, do I think the model is worth the money?  I normally expect to pay up to $30 on eBay for the Standard Edition line of models.  This particular model comes in under that expectation and quite frankly, for the cost, you end up with one heck of a sharp looking model.  If you like to collect Star Trek alien ships, then this one is a must for your collection.  And I'll be honest, even if you don't collect aliens ships, then you might still want to consider adding this one to your fleet, trust me, you won't be disappointed.

As always, I hope you found this article useful and informative.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to comment below.

So for now, "Live long and prosper!!!"

EMMS = Eaglemoss Melted Marshmallow Syndrome.  This is best described as a softening of details where they appear more rounded, less edgy and a bit out of focus.  Sort of what happens to a marshmallow as you heat it up to it's melting point on a camp fire.

Additional Links To Photos Of My Collection:

Other Reviewers Take On The Eaglemoss Model:
Some Kind Of Star Trek

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