Wednesday, June 5, 2019

EMvTW 147: Baran's Raider (Fortune (BC-01) (Virayllan Class, Theta Class, or Ma-Karn Class)

NOTE:  You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.

The second model up for review in my Eaglemoss vs. The World series is Baran's Raider.  This model gave me a bit of a headache when it came time to looking online for canon and non-canon data on this ship.

We first get to see this starship in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes called "Gambit, Part I" and "Gambit, Part II".  sometime later, the ship type or model makes an appearance in Star Trek: deep Space Nine's episode called "Vortex".  While the ship type showed up in two different series, the model was never really modified to look different.  It is therefore assumed that they are indeed the same class.  HOWEVER, as you will soon see, non-canon sources often have their own ideas.

Per Memory Alpha and Beta, "The Theta-class raider was a type of starship used by the Miradorn during the 2360s and 70s.  The Theta-class raider was equipped with deflector shields and armed with a dual forward photon torpedo bank and two wing mounted cannons for launching concentrated plasma charges. With this weaponry it could easily outgun small ships, such as Starfleet Danube-class runabouts. Its maximum velocity was capable of exceeding warp 5."

They go on to say this about Baran's ship, "Baran's raider was a mercenary vessel utilized by Arctus Baran during his search for the Stone of Gol from 2369 to 2370. The ship was classified as "BC 01" by Starfleet Operations.  His vessel was encased in an energy-absorbing material (or sheath) that rendered the ship virtually undetectable to Federation long-range sensors. It was armed with dual forward disruptors and had a maximum velocity of warp 8.7."

Based off those two articles, it is hard to state with authority that the different classifications are the same.  I guess we will never know and I just want to move ahead with this review.

If you would like to read more official stuff on this type of ship, feel free to check out the following links:

Virayllan Class Information: Memory Alpha LINK and Memory Beta LINK
Theta or Ma-Karn Class Information: Memory Alpha LINK and Memory Beta LINK
Fortune (BC-01) Information: Memory Alpha LINK and Memory Beta LINK

I never thought of taking pictures of the MicroMachine and Eaglemoss model side by side and at this point in time, the smaller of the two is packed away for a big move, so you will just have to settle for these pictures of the Galoob model.


The MicroMachine model is tiny but nicely detailed, and that is really all I care to share about it as my article tend to focus on larger scale models.

What can we say about the Eaglemoss model then?  Well... it is fragile!  My model arrived to me with one of the forward tips snapped off.  Luckily, I'm a model builder with plenty of super glue on hand and I was able to fix the damage.

Once the model was fixed, I was able to do my standard photo shoot with the ship.


I was glad that Eaglemoss followed up the Fesarius this month with this model.  I at least didn't feel like the month was a total loss.

The sculpt and mold work for this model is all nicely done with tons of crisp and clear details scattered across the model.  Engine intakes, view screens and all sorts of panel lines and what I assume are access areas are executed nicely.

The paint work is well done as well.  The model sports a very light aztec pattern that has been also given a nice weathering to produce a ship that appears to be well used.

The application of paint to various panels as well as highlighting what appears to be lights adds even more to the look of the ship.  I particularly liked that the view screen had been given some attention.

While it may look like Eaglemoss used clear plastics for the engine exhausts, they instead chose to paint them.  I give high marks for how these were done as it really takes a keen eye to figure it out.

And that is all the pictures and comparisons I have to share on this ship at this time.  As for pricing, I will continue with a very old tradition of mine of rounding up the most inexpensive Buy-It-Now prices from eBay at the time of this article's writing.

Eaglemoss = $28
Micro Machine = $9

NOTE: Prices were researched last on June 5th, 2019.  As of the writing of this article, you can also currently order the Eaglemoss model right from the company's US WebStore for around $23 (shipping unknown).

What can I say about the Eaglemoss model?  Given my HUGE disappointment over issue #146's Fesarius, this model was most welcomed into my alien fleet.  The detailing is rather nice for the price and as long as you don't need to fix it like I did, I would say that it is a solid investment for your collection.

As always, I hope you found this article useful and informative.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to comment below.

So for now, "Live long and prosper!!!"

Additional Links To Photos Of My Collection:
Eaglemoss     MicroMachine

Other Reviewers Take On The Eaglemoss Model:
Some Kind Of Star Trek
Star Trek Starship Collection [NO REVIEW YET]

NOTE: Whoever was running the Star Trek Starship Collection Review blog at THIS LINK, seams to have dropped off the grid after their review of Warship Voyager.  While commenter's have asked the writer if he/she was OK, there has been no reply.


  1. I looked everywhere for details on this ship. This is the only article I have found. I had to rewwatch the episodes to see the ship!!
