Saturday, December 1, 2018
It seems that I have started getting a regular group of followers and readers for this Blog so I figured I might as well fill in my new readers as to what you WON'T find me reviewing and the reasons why I won't be going down that path.
First and foremost, I make no money with my reviews. I get no kick-back from the manufacturers, nor do they send me any free products to review. While, it would be nice to get something for all my hard work, it simply is not the case. Which means, everything you see me reviewing has been paid for out of my own pocket. And let me tell you, I am not a rich man or collector. 😁 In fact, I'm a divorced dad, in the process of getting remarried, and supporting three children, two dogs, and two cats, so the funds go to taking care of the family first. so my collecting is typically done on a "shoe-string" budget.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
EMvTW SC04 - Shuttlecraft Collection Set 4
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
WARNING!: This will be a bit of a longer article than you may be used to getting from me. It has been a long time since we looked a more than one model in the same article.
I am now caught up with the monthly Standard Edition releases from Eaglemoss, so let us sit back and have some fun with one of Eaglemoss' latest "Extra" releases, the Shuttlecraft Collection Set #4. All four of these vessels come from the Kelvin Timeline, or Alternate Timeline, or what I like to simply call the JJverse.
Note: No mater how hard I try to take a picture of my sets, the pictures never turn out as nice as Eaglemoss' promotional shots. So I have given up trying. 😀
The shuttles that Eaglemoss brings us this time are the USS Enterprise Transport Shuttlecraft, the USS Enterprise Passenger Shuttle, the Kelvin Med Evac Shuttle, and the USS Enterprise Warrant Shuttle.
WARNING!: This will be a bit of a longer article than you may be used to getting from me. It has been a long time since we looked a more than one model in the same article.
I am now caught up with the monthly Standard Edition releases from Eaglemoss, so let us sit back and have some fun with one of Eaglemoss' latest "Extra" releases, the Shuttlecraft Collection Set #4. All four of these vessels come from the Kelvin Timeline, or Alternate Timeline, or what I like to simply call the JJverse.
Photo Credit: Eaglemoss
Note: No mater how hard I try to take a picture of my sets, the pictures never turn out as nice as Eaglemoss' promotional shots. So I have given up trying. 😀
The shuttles that Eaglemoss brings us this time are the USS Enterprise Transport Shuttlecraft, the USS Enterprise Passenger Shuttle, the Kelvin Med Evac Shuttle, and the USS Enterprise Warrant Shuttle.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
EMvTW 135: Dala's (Delta Flyer) Ship
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
The other model that came out with this month's pairing was simply known as Dala's Ship, or Dala's Dela Flyer. We are introduced to this beat up freighter in the Star Trek: Voyager episode called "Live Fast and Prosper".
Like the Vulcan Survey Ship of the 20th Century, this ship was not very big in the Star Trek Universe, which means, at this scale, Eaglemoss had a lot more material to work with and show off.
The other model that came out with this month's pairing was simply known as Dala's Ship, or Dala's Dela Flyer. We are introduced to this beat up freighter in the Star Trek: Voyager episode called "Live Fast and Prosper".
Like the Vulcan Survey Ship of the 20th Century, this ship was not very big in the Star Trek Universe, which means, at this scale, Eaglemoss had a lot more material to work with and show off.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
EMvTW 134: Vulcan Survey Ship (20th Century)
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
And we are moving right along with my catching up on the reviews since the new job situation. Next up is the Vulcan Survey Ship that we are introduced to in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode called "Carbon Creek".
In the Star Trek Universe, this is a relatively small starship, which plays to our advantage because when recreated at this scale, Eaglemoss has a much larger canvas to work with.
And we are moving right along with my catching up on the reviews since the new job situation. Next up is the Vulcan Survey Ship that we are introduced to in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode called "Carbon Creek".
In the Star Trek Universe, this is a relatively small starship, which plays to our advantage because when recreated at this scale, Eaglemoss has a much larger canvas to work with.
Monday, November 12, 2018
EMvTW 133: Irina's Racing Ship
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
The new job is kicking my butt and leaving me too exhausted in the evenings to do any typing. Luckily, the weekend is upon me and I have the energy to write some more.
Which brings us to the next ship in the Standard Edition line-up, Irina's Racing Ship which we get to see in action in the Star Trek Voyager episode called "Drive".
It has been a heck of a run for Eaglemoss with this standard line of models. And as we slide into the last 30 or so models of the collection, we are going to start to see some interesting (we hope) ships.
The new job is kicking my butt and leaving me too exhausted in the evenings to do any typing. Luckily, the weekend is upon me and I have the energy to write some more.
Which brings us to the next ship in the Standard Edition line-up, Irina's Racing Ship which we get to see in action in the Star Trek Voyager episode called "Drive".
It has been a heck of a run for Eaglemoss with this standard line of models. And as we slide into the last 30 or so models of the collection, we are going to start to see some interesting (we hope) ships.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Romulan - Lunala Class Bird Of Prey (JJVerse) [Scratchbuild]
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
After I got up close and personal during my review of the JJverse Klingon D4 Bird Of Prey, I began to wonder what the Romulans, more importantly, thier ships, would look like in this new universe. You can read my review of the Klingon JJverse BOP at THIS LINK. Eventually though, I shelved the thought and went on with my merry model making, until I came across a toy from a McDonald's Happy Meal. And from that tou was born this model of what I imagine the Romulan Bird Of Prey would look like.
The though process behind this look was that in the TOS universe and era, the Klingons and Romulans were known to share technology. That being said, it was feasable to me that the Romulan BOP might have a closer resemblance to the Klingon BOP.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
EMvTW 132: Warship Voyager
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
I am happy to say that after 3 months, I have gotten a new job, which means that finances should be in order, and that should keep the reviews coming on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the first two weeks of the new job were a bit exhausting and it's taken me until now to recuperate enough to want to write again.
With that being said, let us get going with the first of two new reviews, this one focusing on the Warship Voyager as it briefly appeared in the Star Trek: Voyager episode called "Living Witness".
This model marks the fourth variant that Eaglemoss has brought us of the USS Voyager in the standard sized line of models.
I am happy to say that after 3 months, I have gotten a new job, which means that finances should be in order, and that should keep the reviews coming on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the first two weeks of the new job were a bit exhausting and it's taken me until now to recuperate enough to want to write again.
With that being said, let us get going with the first of two new reviews, this one focusing on the Warship Voyager as it briefly appeared in the Star Trek: Voyager episode called "Living Witness".
This model marks the fourth variant that Eaglemoss has brought us of the USS Voyager in the standard sized line of models.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
EMvTW Special 14: USS Kobayashi Maru ECS-1022 (Kobayashi Maru Type)
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
In this review, we get to take a look at a rather exciting addition to the Special Edition line of Eaglemoss ships. The USS Kobayashi Maru (ECS-1022), at least this version of the ship, is seen in a simulator in the movie Star Trek (2009).
I have to admit, while I am not normally excited about the NuTrek starships in the Special Edition lineup, this is one of those more iconic vessels that have a history in the franchise, but has never really been brought to life in a pre-built and pre-painted format.
In this review, we get to take a look at a rather exciting addition to the Special Edition line of Eaglemoss ships. The USS Kobayashi Maru (ECS-1022), at least this version of the ship, is seen in a simulator in the movie Star Trek (2009).
I have to admit, while I am not normally excited about the NuTrek starships in the Special Edition lineup, this is one of those more iconic vessels that have a history in the franchise, but has never really been brought to life in a pre-built and pre-painted format.
Monday, October 1, 2018
EMvTW Extra 09: Klingon Bird of Prey (23rd Century, Landing Position)
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
Our next issue of Eaglemoss vs. The World series is the 23rd Century Klingon Bird Of Prey.
We are first introduced to this ship in the movie, "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock" where... ummm...
Well, it looks like Eaglemoss has decided to pull a trifecta and give us the 23rd Century Bird Of Prey one last time. However, since they already gave us the BOP in the "Cruising Mode" (read that review at THIS LINK) and the BOP in the "Attack Mode" (read that review at THIS LINK), they have decided to round off that part of the collection with the BOP in "Landing Mode".
I will say that I am glad that Eaglemoss went the route of releasing this model as a limited edition "Extra" model instead of sneaking it into the Standard collection like they did back in Issue 107. Not everyone is going to want this ship in this configuration, so it is nice that they didn't force it on the subscribers.
Our next issue of Eaglemoss vs. The World series is the 23rd Century Klingon Bird Of Prey.
We are first introduced to this ship in the movie, "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock" where... ummm...
Whoah! Deja vu!!!
Well, it looks like Eaglemoss has decided to pull a trifecta and give us the 23rd Century Bird Of Prey one last time. However, since they already gave us the BOP in the "Cruising Mode" (read that review at THIS LINK) and the BOP in the "Attack Mode" (read that review at THIS LINK), they have decided to round off that part of the collection with the BOP in "Landing Mode".
I will say that I am glad that Eaglemoss went the route of releasing this model as a limited edition "Extra" model instead of sneaking it into the Standard collection like they did back in Issue 107. Not everyone is going to want this ship in this configuration, so it is nice that they didn't force it on the subscribers.
Saturday, September 1, 2018
EMvTW 131: Arctic One
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
And we come to the last review from me for this month. Seven fresh models and two Throwback Thursday reviews is a lot to write in a two week time-frame. We will close out that run of reviews with Arctic One.
We are introduced to in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode that is titled, "Regeneration". Wait... I feel like I've said that before. Oh yeah! I have! In Eaglemoss' attempt to bring us a complete collection, they introduced us to this ship once before, however, it was in the form of it's assimilated mode. If you want to check out my review of that model, feel free to check out THIS LINK.
During the conclusion of that review article, I had this to say about the Assimilated Arctic One, "In the end, I am forced to admit that with what I know now, that I probably wouldn't buy this one. UNLESS... I knew that Eaglemoss was definitely going to produce the un-altered Artctic One. Then the completionist in me would want to buy it and display it next to her un-altered state."
I am willing to eat my words when I'm wrong, so here I am, saying that I need to go update that other article when I'm done writing this one.
And we come to the last review from me for this month. Seven fresh models and two Throwback Thursday reviews is a lot to write in a two week time-frame. We will close out that run of reviews with Arctic One.
We are introduced to in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode that is titled, "Regeneration". Wait... I feel like I've said that before. Oh yeah! I have! In Eaglemoss' attempt to bring us a complete collection, they introduced us to this ship once before, however, it was in the form of it's assimilated mode. If you want to check out my review of that model, feel free to check out THIS LINK.
During the conclusion of that review article, I had this to say about the Assimilated Arctic One, "In the end, I am forced to admit that with what I know now, that I probably wouldn't buy this one. UNLESS... I knew that Eaglemoss was definitely going to produce the un-altered Artctic One. Then the completionist in me would want to buy it and display it next to her un-altered state."
I am willing to eat my words when I'm wrong, so here I am, saying that I need to go update that other article when I'm done writing this one.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
EMvTW 130: Borg Probe ("Coffin" Ship)
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
The next two models from Eaglemoss came to the U.S. Webstore like an early Christmas gift, so I ordered them and was very happy to see that they came with thier magazines as well.
The first of the two models is the Borg Probe, which is also known as the "Coffin" ship because of it's unique shape. This ship appears in the Star Trek Voyager episode called "Dark Frontier". It also supposedly is in the The Next Generation Episode called "I, Borg", however, it is totaled on the planet so we don't see much of it.
My collection of this type of ship consists of the Eaglemoss model, and a 1:1400 scale Resin Modeler model that I built and painted sometime ago. While I don't normally do comparisons of my pre-built and pre-pained fleet with models that I have personally built, this was one of those opportunities to really give you a size comparison.
As a side note, my children have nicknamed this ship "The Turd" as they feel that it looks like one. 😅
The next two models from Eaglemoss came to the U.S. Webstore like an early Christmas gift, so I ordered them and was very happy to see that they came with thier magazines as well.
The first of the two models is the Borg Probe, which is also known as the "Coffin" ship because of it's unique shape. This ship appears in the Star Trek Voyager episode called "Dark Frontier". It also supposedly is in the The Next Generation Episode called "I, Borg", however, it is totaled on the planet so we don't see much of it.
My collection of this type of ship consists of the Eaglemoss model, and a 1:1400 scale Resin Modeler model that I built and painted sometime ago. While I don't normally do comparisons of my pre-built and pre-pained fleet with models that I have personally built, this was one of those opportunities to really give you a size comparison.
As a side note, my children have nicknamed this ship "The Turd" as they feel that it looks like one. 😅
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
EMvTW 129: Tholian Starship (23rd Century) (AKA Spinner Class)
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
As I stated in my last article, on the OV-165, Eaglemoss chose to back-order my magazines, so I will be winging it and utilizing outside sources for my model referencing.
This next article is going to cover the 23rd Century Tholian Starship.
We first encounter this type of starship in Star Trek: The Original Series episode called "The Tholian Web".
This is not the first Tholian starship that Eaglemoss has brought to us, though. In fact, the previous Tholian model was of an earlier design of the same type of ship. You can check out my review of the 22nd Century Tholian Starship at THIS LINK.
As I stated in my last article, on the OV-165, Eaglemoss chose to back-order my magazines, so I will be winging it and utilizing outside sources for my model referencing.
This next article is going to cover the 23rd Century Tholian Starship.
We first encounter this type of starship in Star Trek: The Original Series episode called "The Tholian Web".
This is not the first Tholian starship that Eaglemoss has brought to us, though. In fact, the previous Tholian model was of an earlier design of the same type of ship. You can check out my review of the 22nd Century Tholian Starship at THIS LINK.
Monday, August 27, 2018
EMvTW 128: OV-165
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
Oh Eaglemoss, you hinder me yet again... 😭 While this model and the accompanying model for this month were both available on time at the US Webstore, for some reason, thier magazines were not shipped at the same time and have been listed as being on back-order. If you have been following my writings, you will know that I use those magazines as references to see how accurate the model is. I guess that once again, I will be forced to turn to the internet, and sadly, there is little to no good reference material in the form of pictures out there on this ship.
Our next review is an interesting one. It only appears on screen during the opening credits for Star Trek: Enterprise. I am of course referring to that space shuttle like starship, the OV-165.
This is not the first time Eaglemoss has brought us an opening credits starship. Just four issues ago, Eaglemoss gave us the SS Emmette. You can read my review of that model a THIS LINK.
Oh Eaglemoss, you hinder me yet again... 😭 While this model and the accompanying model for this month were both available on time at the US Webstore, for some reason, thier magazines were not shipped at the same time and have been listed as being on back-order. If you have been following my writings, you will know that I use those magazines as references to see how accurate the model is. I guess that once again, I will be forced to turn to the internet, and sadly, there is little to no good reference material in the form of pictures out there on this ship.
Our next review is an interesting one. It only appears on screen during the opening credits for Star Trek: Enterprise. I am of course referring to that space shuttle like starship, the OV-165.
This is not the first time Eaglemoss has brought us an opening credits starship. Just four issues ago, Eaglemoss gave us the SS Emmette. You can read my review of that model a THIS LINK.
EMvTW Extra #11: USS Voyager (Rick Sternbach Concept)
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
Another cool Extra Model has come to the Standard Line of Eaglemoss Star Trek Starships. Unfortunately, the fanfare came as rather sour sounding to me as Eaglemoss has back-ordered the magazine on this one. I despise when they do this to me as it hinders my reviews a bit. I typically will use the pictures in those magazines as a reference point to help judge how good of a job that Eaglemoss did in replicating the ship in the smaller scale. Since I don't have that reference, and I don't feel like waiting a month or two for said magazine, I will just have to press forward with using other internet sources and hope that I don't sound like I'm talking out of my rear facing torpedo launcher.
So here it is, the Rick Sternbach Concept Model of the USS Voyager.
In case you never got around to it, be sure to check out my review of Eaglemoss' work, as well as a few other manufacturers' attempts at producing the actual USS Voyager. You can read that review at THIS LINK.
Another cool Extra Model has come to the Standard Line of Eaglemoss Star Trek Starships. Unfortunately, the fanfare came as rather sour sounding to me as Eaglemoss has back-ordered the magazine on this one. I despise when they do this to me as it hinders my reviews a bit. I typically will use the pictures in those magazines as a reference point to help judge how good of a job that Eaglemoss did in replicating the ship in the smaller scale. Since I don't have that reference, and I don't feel like waiting a month or two for said magazine, I will just have to press forward with using other internet sources and hope that I don't sound like I'm talking out of my rear facing torpedo launcher.
So here it is, the Rick Sternbach Concept Model of the USS Voyager.
In case you never got around to it, be sure to check out my review of Eaglemoss' work, as well as a few other manufacturers' attempts at producing the actual USS Voyager. You can read that review at THIS LINK.
Friday, August 24, 2018
EMvTW 127: Eymorg Starship
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
It took a little while for this review to come about, and we can thank the U.S. Eaglemoss Webstore for that. This model was not available to us U.S. based folks until sometime last week. I had eventually gotten tired of waiting and bought it on eBay from someone in the U.K. Anyway...
Our next review brings us the Eymorg Starship, which only appears in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode called "Spock's Brain".
Actually... this particular looking starship didn't appear until CBS remastered the old series in 2007, so we are in reality, getting an updated version of that starship.
It took a little while for this review to come about, and we can thank the U.S. Eaglemoss Webstore for that. This model was not available to us U.S. based folks until sometime last week. I had eventually gotten tired of waiting and bought it on eBay from someone in the U.K. Anyway...
Our next review brings us the Eymorg Starship, which only appears in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode called "Spock's Brain".
Actually... this particular looking starship didn't appear until CBS remastered the old series in 2007, so we are in reality, getting an updated version of that starship.
EMvTW 126: USS Princeton NCC-59804 (Niagara class)
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
The U.S. Eaglemoss webstore was a bit of a P.I.T.A. over the last two months. While I admit that I have been extremely busy since my last review (of Alice) back at the end of June, what with being let go from a 19 year old job, moving to a new temporary apartment (for the next year), and setting my son up in a new school district because he all of a sudden decided to come live with me full time... <HEAVY SIGH> ...I still would have gotten some new stuff written, had it actually been available.
While this next model was available on time last month, it's partner model, the Eymorg Starship was MIA until sometime early last week. What finally did me in was when the webstore released the next two issues, for August, as well as the Voyager Concept, but STILL did not have he Eymorg ship. I am not a patient man, and eventually bit he bullet and bought that missing model on eBay for an extra $10, as well as caught up with the other ships through the Eaglemoss' site. Surprise, surprise, no magazines came with the Voyager model, and much to my dismay, no magazines with this month's models (Tholian Webspinner (23rd Century) and OV-165)? But wait! There;'s more! Apparently, as of early this week, you can now also get next month's models too. I ordered them and will be very annoyed if they are missing magazines as well.
I go on that little side-track to simply say that this month will be a treat as it appears that I will be bringing you a total of SEVEN reviews, practically back-to-back.
Anyway... enough of my ranting... let us take a look a the first of this next batch of reviews, the USS Princeton (NCC-59804), a Niagara class starship.
We are first introduced to this type of starship via a partial glimpse in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode called "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II".
The U.S. Eaglemoss webstore was a bit of a P.I.T.A. over the last two months. While I admit that I have been extremely busy since my last review (of Alice) back at the end of June, what with being let go from a 19 year old job, moving to a new temporary apartment (for the next year), and setting my son up in a new school district because he all of a sudden decided to come live with me full time... <HEAVY SIGH> ...I still would have gotten some new stuff written, had it actually been available.
While this next model was available on time last month, it's partner model, the Eymorg Starship was MIA until sometime early last week. What finally did me in was when the webstore released the next two issues, for August, as well as the Voyager Concept, but STILL did not have he Eymorg ship. I am not a patient man, and eventually bit he bullet and bought that missing model on eBay for an extra $10, as well as caught up with the other ships through the Eaglemoss' site. Surprise, surprise, no magazines came with the Voyager model, and much to my dismay, no magazines with this month's models (Tholian Webspinner (23rd Century) and OV-165)? But wait! There;'s more! Apparently, as of early this week, you can now also get next month's models too. I ordered them and will be very annoyed if they are missing magazines as well.
I go on that little side-track to simply say that this month will be a treat as it appears that I will be bringing you a total of SEVEN reviews, practically back-to-back.
Anyway... enough of my ranting... let us take a look a the first of this next batch of reviews, the USS Princeton (NCC-59804), a Niagara class starship.
We are first introduced to this type of starship via a partial glimpse in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode called "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II".
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Ravenclaw Class
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
What do you get when you mash up a 23 century Romulan ship with a 23rd century Klingon ship?
I saw a very similar design in a model builder's FaceBook group, and HAD to try my hand at it.
What do you get when you mash up a 23 century Romulan ship with a 23rd century Klingon ship?
I saw a very similar design in a model builder's FaceBook group, and HAD to try my hand at it.
Monday, July 2, 2018
U-34 Cricket Class Prototype
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
The U-34 Cricket Prototype was an experimental precursor to the 23rd Century Romulan Bird Of Prey.
Only two of these style of ships were known to be built. One of them was re-purposed and converted into a tramp cargo ship. The second ship was presumed lost but was later discovered in a boneyard and was salvaged and rebuilt to original specifications.
The U-34 Cricket Prototype was an experimental precursor to the 23rd Century Romulan Bird Of Prey.
Only two of these style of ships were known to be built. One of them was re-purposed and converted into a tramp cargo ship. The second ship was presumed lost but was later discovered in a boneyard and was salvaged and rebuilt to original specifications.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
EMvTW 125: Alice
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
The second model released by Eaglemoss this month was a little ship named Alice.
We are introduced to this little ship in the Star Trek: Voyager episode called "Alice".
The second model released by Eaglemoss this month was a little ship named Alice.
We are introduced to this little ship in the Star Trek: Voyager episode called "Alice".
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
EMvTW 124: SS Emmette (Emmette Type or Ganges Class)
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
A new month is upon us and it brings with it two more Eaglemoss models for review. The first of these models is the SS Emmette. The Emmette was shown to us during the opening credits of the Star Trek: Enterprise series.
My collection of this ship is rather small and only consists of the Eaglemoss model and a wanna-be MicroMachine variant.
A new month is upon us and it brings with it two more Eaglemoss models for review. The first of these models is the SS Emmette. The Emmette was shown to us during the opening credits of the Star Trek: Enterprise series.
My collection of this ship is rather small and only consists of the Eaglemoss model and a wanna-be MicroMachine variant.
Sunday, June 3, 2018
EMvTW Special 13: Klingon Battle Cruiser (AKA Warbird Class)
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
I pre-ordered the next special and it apparently has come in the mail already. Which means that this issue of Eaglemoss vs. The World is going to talk about Special # 13, the Klingon Warbird from the alternate universe.
While this type of ship is first mentioned in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode called "Broken Bow", we don't actually get to see one in action until the movie Star Trek (2009). In fact, we only get to see these ships during the Kobayashi Maru scenario when Kirk cheats his way to a victory of the "No Win Scenario".
I pre-ordered the next special and it apparently has come in the mail already. Which means that this issue of Eaglemoss vs. The World is going to talk about Special # 13, the Klingon Warbird from the alternate universe.
While this type of ship is first mentioned in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode called "Broken Bow", we don't actually get to see one in action until the movie Star Trek (2009). In fact, we only get to see these ships during the Kobayashi Maru scenario when Kirk cheats his way to a victory of the "No Win Scenario".
Friday, June 1, 2018
EMvTW 123: Romulan Science Vessel
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
Next in line for this month's batch of reviews for Eaglemoss vs. The World is yet another kitbash. Issue number twenty-three is the Romulan Science Vessel.
We are first introduced to this ship in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode called "The Next Phase".
Next in line for this month's batch of reviews for Eaglemoss vs. The World is yet another kitbash. Issue number twenty-three is the Romulan Science Vessel.
We are first introduced to this ship in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode called "The Next Phase".
Thursday, May 31, 2018
EMvTW 122: USS Yeager NCC 65674 (Yeager Class)
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
It's been just over four weeks since my last EMvTW review, which means, we have another two new Eaglemoss models to share. Actually, we have a special release to share as well. These new articles would have come a bit sooner, however, I took a nice long weekend off in the mountains where there was no cell service. I was literally unplugged from the world and it felt good.
Anyway, first up in this month's trilogy of reviews is issue number 122, the USS Yeager, a Yeager Class starship.
We first get to see this odd looking ship in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode titled, "Doctor Bashir, I Presume".
It's been just over four weeks since my last EMvTW review, which means, we have another two new Eaglemoss models to share. Actually, we have a special release to share as well. These new articles would have come a bit sooner, however, I took a nice long weekend off in the mountains where there was no cell service. I was literally unplugged from the world and it felt good.
Anyway, first up in this month's trilogy of reviews is issue number 122, the USS Yeager, a Yeager Class starship.
We first get to see this odd looking ship in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode titled, "Doctor Bashir, I Presume".
Friday, April 27, 2018
Chimera Class
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
What happens when you are an avid kitbasher and see a picture of a weird ship that people are making fun of? Well, if you are me, you accept the challenge and try to build your own.
What you see above is not only the picture that inspired me to build, but also a similar angled shot of my finished project.
What happens when you are an avid kitbasher and see a picture of a weird ship that people are making fun of? Well, if you are me, you accept the challenge and try to build your own.
What you see above is not only the picture that inspired me to build, but also a similar angled shot of my finished project.
Saturday, April 21, 2018
EMvTW 121: SS Xhosa (Antares Class (Federation))
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Eaglemoss' second release in the U.S. this month is the SS Xhosa, an Antares Class, Federation based vessel.
We first meet this old vessel in the Star Trek: Deep Sapce Nine episode titled, "Family Business".
Eaglemoss' second release in the U.S. this month is the SS Xhosa, an Antares Class, Federation based vessel.
We first meet this old vessel in the Star Trek: Deep Sapce Nine episode titled, "Family Business".
Friday, April 20, 2018
EMvTW 120: USS Bozeman NCC-1941 (Soyuz class)
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It is a new month, which means we have another two models from Eaglemoss to examine. The first of the two is the USS Bozeman (NCC-1941).
We first get to see this ship in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode titled "Cause and Effect".
It is a new month, which means we have another two models from Eaglemoss to examine. The first of the two is the USS Bozeman (NCC-1941).
We first get to see this ship in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode titled "Cause and Effect".
Friday, April 6, 2018
EMvTW Special 12: USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (Constitution Class refit, Kelvin timeline)
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I REALLY want to hate this model and be angry with Eaglemoss...
The 12th Special Edition model from Eaglemoss had me scratching my head, as they decided to bring us another rendition of the JJverse USS Enterprise.
My confusion was increased when my original thoughts of, "Oh! They are bringing us the 1701-A from the end of the third NuTrek movie!", were dashed by someone's confirmation that this model WAS NOT that particular Enterprise.
What Eaglemoss has decided to give us this time around is the USS Enterprise as she appears in the beginning of "Star Trek: Beyond (2016)". You know, the ship that lasts maybe ten minutes into the movie and then is totally shredded and then crashes. Oh, and then they flip it over just to make sure we understand that the ship is now dead..
I REALLY want to hate this model and be angry with Eaglemoss...
The 12th Special Edition model from Eaglemoss had me scratching my head, as they decided to bring us another rendition of the JJverse USS Enterprise.
My confusion was increased when my original thoughts of, "Oh! They are bringing us the 1701-A from the end of the third NuTrek movie!", were dashed by someone's confirmation that this model WAS NOT that particular Enterprise.
What Eaglemoss has decided to give us this time around is the USS Enterprise as she appears in the beginning of "Star Trek: Beyond (2016)". You know, the ship that lasts maybe ten minutes into the movie and then is totally shredded and then crashes. Oh, and then they flip it over just to make sure we understand that the ship is now dead..
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Kitbashing Old Printer Cartridges
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I actually made an attempt at kitbashing back in the 80's when I was just a kid. I owned a dot matrix printer that used ribbon cartridges. Apparently, I got the bright idea to make starships out of a pair of them.
The end result was two interesting designs that had a tiny bit of Millennium Falcon feel to them with thier rotating radar dishes. The white model was built for my Space Battleship Yamato collection, while the grey model had been built for my Star Trek universe. The initial models were never painted and in some cases, they received some major overhauls in the last 4 years.
I actually made an attempt at kitbashing back in the 80's when I was just a kid. I owned a dot matrix printer that used ribbon cartridges. Apparently, I got the bright idea to make starships out of a pair of them.
The end result was two interesting designs that had a tiny bit of Millennium Falcon feel to them with thier rotating radar dishes. The white model was built for my Space Battleship Yamato collection, while the grey model had been built for my Star Trek universe. The initial models were never painted and in some cases, they received some major overhauls in the last 4 years.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
EMvTW 119: Hirogen Holoship
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Our next Eaglemoss vs. The World article is going to focus on another alien ship. This time, we will take a look at the Hirogen Holoship.
Our next Eaglemoss vs. The World article is going to focus on another alien ship. This time, we will take a look at the Hirogen Holoship.
Monday, March 26, 2018
EMvTW 118: USS Firebrand NCC-68723 (Freedom class)
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Eaglemoss is continuing with thier line-up of resurrecting some of the more unique kitbashed ships that were built for the sole purpose of dying in the Battle of Wolf 359. We see this fleet of ship very briefly in the Star Trek: The Next Generation's episode titled, "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II".
Saturday, March 24, 2018
EMvTW 117: Ferengi starship (22nd century)
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Issue number 117 of my Eaglemoss vs. The World articles brings us another alien, and this time it is in the form of the 22nd Century Ferengi Shuttle.
We are introduced to this ship in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode titled "Acquisition". I call this a shuttle, because it's not a very large ship. It was smaller than the NX Enterprise, however, it was larger than the Enterprise's shuttlepods. I am also deciding to call it a shuttle based on the fact that it was manned by only 4 crew members. The ship is sometimes referred to as "Ulis' Starship".
Friday, March 23, 2018
EMvTW 116: USS Curry NCC-42254 (Curry Class or Curry Type)
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We've had a little break while waiting on the next batch of models to come out from Eaglemoss. somehow, I missed two of them so now I have a total of four to write up. First up is the USS Curry (NCC-42254), a Curry class ship that served Starfleet during the Dominion War. She took heavy damaged but survived in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode titled, "A Time to Stand"
Euderion Class Refit
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As a kitbash model builder, I draw my inspiration from all over the place. Sometime though, imitation is just to darned irresistible. That was the case when I was searching the web for kitbash ideas and stumbled across some very cool DeviantArt.
The creator had put a lot of love and attention into his artwork and I reached out and got permission to build his ship in physical format.
As a kitbash model builder, I draw my inspiration from all over the place. Sometime though, imitation is just to darned irresistible. That was the case when I was searching the web for kitbash ideas and stumbled across some very cool DeviantArt.
The creator had put a lot of love and attention into his artwork and I reached out and got permission to build his ship in physical format.
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Wayfarer Class & Wayfarer Class Refit
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I built these two models around the same time that I built my Vagabond starships. Both that design and this design were the brainchild of a very talented model builder named PT Riley. When I saw those two designs, I wanted to have a go at building them in 1:2500 scale. PT only built his models in TOS style, and I wanted to re-imagine his designs as they would have looked like if Starfleet had kept them around until the TMP era.
This is the story of my build of the Wayfarer and Wayfarer Refit models...
I built these two models around the same time that I built my Vagabond starships. Both that design and this design were the brainchild of a very talented model builder named PT Riley. When I saw those two designs, I wanted to have a go at building them in 1:2500 scale. PT only built his models in TOS style, and I wanted to re-imagine his designs as they would have looked like if Starfleet had kept them around until the TMP era.
This is the story of my build of the Wayfarer and Wayfarer Refit models...
Project Time Trap
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Sometimes, when I am searching for ideas to kitbash, I have to look no further than actual TV episodes or movies of star Trek. In the case of this next model, it was an episode of Star Trek: The Animated Series and an episode called "The Time Trap"
This is the story of that random idea and rather quick build...
C-8 Class Dreadnought
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As a kitbasher, I sometime get my ideas from other builds that I see. Other times, I might see a drawing, diagram or a picture in a book and decide to try to replicate that in plastic. This next model that I'm going to talk about is of that latter category.
And here is this model's story...
And here is this model's story...
VoDleH Class (AKA Emperor Class)
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As a kitbasher, I sometime get my ideas from other builds that I see. In the case of this model, I thought about building this model after building a 1:2500 scale Praetorius class that served in Starfleet. This is the Klingon counterpart to that build.
And here is this model's story...
And here is this model's story...
Saturday, March 10, 2018
NX-TypeD Class
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While I was trying to do some research on my TMP era Dakota class carrier, I accidentally happened upon series of pictures by a talented modeler who was tinkering around with kitbashing NX Class ships into new designs.
I will now share what I can about this build.
While I was trying to do some research on my TMP era Dakota class carrier, I accidentally happened upon series of pictures by a talented modeler who was tinkering around with kitbashing NX Class ships into new designs.
I will now share what I can about this build.
NX-TypeS Class
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While I was trying to do some research on my TMP era Dakota class carrier, I accidentally happened upon series of pictures by a talented modeler who was tinkering around with kitbashing NX Class ships into new designs.
One of his designs was an Akira like type of kitbash.
I will now share what I can about this build.
While I was trying to do some research on my TMP era Dakota class carrier, I accidentally happened upon series of pictures by a talented modeler who was tinkering around with kitbashing NX Class ships into new designs.
One of his designs was an Akira like type of kitbash.
I will now share what I can about this build.
Friday, March 9, 2018
Praetorius Class
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Most of my earliest kitbashes were inspired by other builders' work. I would search the web for kitbash ideas and when I would find something I like, I would then try to replicate it in 1:2500 scale.
I stumbled across the work of Phil Giunta of Plastic Galaxy Models, who is another well known kitbasher. I found his build of the Praetorius Class which in essence is a high speed torpedo boat. You can see more information about his build at THIS LINK.
Most of my earliest kitbashes were inspired by other builders' work. I would search the web for kitbash ideas and when I would find something I like, I would then try to replicate it in 1:2500 scale.
I stumbled across the work of Phil Giunta of Plastic Galaxy Models, who is another well known kitbasher. I found his build of the Praetorius Class which in essence is a high speed torpedo boat. You can see more information about his build at THIS LINK.
Starstalker Class
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When I was first honing my kitbash skills, I searched the internet far and wide for ideas. When I happened upon pictures of this ship that was built by Jay Dennis, I was in awe. I had never contemplated using a Miranda class hull as the primary saucer section for a starship. The concept was brilliant, and I loved every angle of the design. and so, I set out to attempt to build my own in 1:2500 scale.
This is my model's story...
When I was first honing my kitbash skills, I searched the internet far and wide for ideas. When I happened upon pictures of this ship that was built by Jay Dennis, I was in awe. I had never contemplated using a Miranda class hull as the primary saucer section for a starship. The concept was brilliant, and I loved every angle of the design. and so, I set out to attempt to build my own in 1:2500 scale.
This is my model's story...
Vagabond Class & Vagabond Class Refit
NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
I liked the looks of the ship and the backstory he had made up for it, so I started chopping and gluing.
In order to hone my kitbashing skills, I searched the web far and wide for interesting kitbashes to try my hand at in my favorite scale of 1:2500. The rally low cost of those sized kits made it easy to acquire the parts needed to have many a bash fests.
During my travels, I happened across the website of a very skilled model maker named PT Riley and he had built the original TOS era Vagabond. You can check out the model at THIS LINK.
I liked the looks of the ship and the backstory he had made up for it, so I started chopping and gluing.
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Avenger Class
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Sometimes, while browsing around the internet, or reading through some of the model club FaceBook pages that I hang out at, I'll be introduced to a drawing that just grabs my attention and screams "BUILD ME!!!"
This is the story of one such build.
Since the ship has never been seen on screen, there is no official canon classification for it. Some non-canon sources have deemed it the Avenger Class.
Sometimes, while browsing around the internet, or reading through some of the model club FaceBook pages that I hang out at, I'll be introduced to a drawing that just grabs my attention and screams "BUILD ME!!!"
This is the story of one such build.
Since the ship has never been seen on screen, there is no official canon classification for it. Some non-canon sources have deemed it the Avenger Class.
Miranda Class (TOS Era)
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A lot of people have speculated that there were other classifications of ships in the service of Starfleet during the TOS era besides the Constitution class. They further speculated that some of the ships we see in the movies or TMP era were probably refits of those TOS ships.
Hence the idea for a TOS era Miranda Class.
Although we never see a TOS era version of this type of ship on screen, there is a reference to the USS Reliant in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode called "Court Martial" where the Reliant's registry is seen on the wall in the background of one of the scenes, indicating that she was in dock for repairs. Using that as a point of reference, it can be rationalized that what we see in Star Trek II is in fact, a refit version of the ship, much like we are treated to a refit Constitution class in the movies.
Sunday, March 4, 2018
EMvTW Extra 08: USS Enterprise (Matt Jefferies Phase II concept)
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Eaglemoss has continued with thier endeavor to bring us a special lineup of ships that are either non-cannon or more recently, prototypes of well known ships. While I was originally opposed to this idea, the fact is, Eaglemoss has brought us some very nice renditions of those ships. The next model in this lineup is the Enterprise, as it would have appeared in the series called Star Trek: Phase II.
This ship has a special place in my collection as it is the very first kitbash that I ever built (top model). Since that was my very first kitbash, my skillset was not good enough to build my own nacelles, so I just used TMP era ones. Eventually, I found someone who produced a resin set of official looking nacelles and at that point, I had another go at building the model (bottom left). And so, I thought that was it. But Eaglemoss has come along and presented us with thier rendition of the ship and non-model builders can also enjoy this ship in thier collection.
Eaglemoss has continued with thier endeavor to bring us a special lineup of ships that are either non-cannon or more recently, prototypes of well known ships. While I was originally opposed to this idea, the fact is, Eaglemoss has brought us some very nice renditions of those ships. The next model in this lineup is the Enterprise, as it would have appeared in the series called Star Trek: Phase II.
This ship has a special place in my collection as it is the very first kitbash that I ever built (top model). Since that was my very first kitbash, my skillset was not good enough to build my own nacelles, so I just used TMP era ones. Eventually, I found someone who produced a resin set of official looking nacelles and at that point, I had another go at building the model (bottom left). And so, I thought that was it. But Eaglemoss has come along and presented us with thier rendition of the ship and non-model builders can also enjoy this ship in thier collection.
Friday, March 2, 2018
EMvTW 115: Tellarite Cruiser (Pralim Class)
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And the Eaglemoss swing comes back the other way to bring us yet another alien ship. This time, we get to take a closer look at the Tellarite Cruiser, which is also called a Pralim Class in non-cannon sources. We are introduced to this ship in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode called "Babel One".
I have really been digging the recent round of alien ships from Eaglemoss, I'm looking forward into checking out this model.
And the Eaglemoss swing comes back the other way to bring us yet another alien ship. This time, we get to take a closer look at the Tellarite Cruiser, which is also called a Pralim Class in non-cannon sources. We are introduced to this ship in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode called "Babel One".
I have really been digging the recent round of alien ships from Eaglemoss, I'm looking forward into checking out this model.
EMvTW 114: USS Buran NCC-57580 (Challenger class)
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I have to say that Eaglemoss has really decided to give the Battle of Wolf 359 fleet some major attention! Issue #114 now brings us the USS Buran, a Challenger Class ship that we only got to see a glimpse in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode titled, "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II".
This is one of the more peculiar looking Starfleet ships that I've had to review.
I have to say that Eaglemoss has really decided to give the Battle of Wolf 359 fleet some major attention! Issue #114 now brings us the USS Buran, a Challenger Class ship that we only got to see a glimpse in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode titled, "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II".
This is one of the more peculiar looking Starfleet ships that I've had to review.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
EMvTW 113: Lokirrim warship
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Next in my Eaglemoss vs. The World series is is a ship that I had forgotten completely about and was then surprised when it came along in the collection. The Lokirrim warship was seen in Star Trek: Voyager during and episode called "Body and Soul".
I have to say, I was rather surprised by this latest addition by Eaglemoss. And by surprised, I mean impressed.
Next in my Eaglemoss vs. The World series is is a ship that I had forgotten completely about and was then surprised when it came along in the collection. The Lokirrim warship was seen in Star Trek: Voyager during and episode called "Body and Soul".
I have to say, I was rather surprised by this latest addition by Eaglemoss. And by surprised, I mean impressed.