NOTE: You can click on most pictures to get a larger view of them.
Eleven months ago (July 2022), I posted a link to an article that talked about Eaglemoss going into what we call in the United States, a Bankruptcy. On August 5th, 2022, the rumors became true and I came to realize that my collecting of Eaglemoss models had ended. There were rumors that some models were produced but never released, and we might get a chance at purchasing these "lost models", but I am a firm believer of "I'll believe it when I see it." And so I quietly retired from writing reviews, thinking that I'll never get my hands on anything new.
Enter Master Replicas and Real Merch, two UK based companies that managed to acquire Eaglemoss' stockpile of models from around the world. As models have become available for purchase through these sites, it has been a feeding frenzy trying to get one's hands on certain models. Lucky for me, I am only after a select few ships and stations, and it seems that my competition for those items wasn't as fierce.
And so, it was with great excitement that while on a camping trip, I was able to purchase the Caretaker's Array and not be gouged by Internet (eBay) Scalpers. It was a bittersweet moment as I added the second non-human space station to my collection.
We first get to see this starship in the Star Trek: Voyager episode called "Caretaker".